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Issued: 31 August 2000
Last Revised: 24 November 2006


Section 1

The name of the Association shall be the Cornell Hockey Association.

Section 2

The headquarters for the Association shall be in the city of Ithaca, New York, the area in which its principal operations are to be conducted.


Section 1

To promote and assist the sport of ice hockey at Cornell University.


Section 1

Active: Any dues-paying person or family who is interested in helping promote ice hockey in the community described in Article I.

Section 2

Term of members: Membership shall be for one year starting July 1 of each year and ending June 30 of the following year.


Section 1

The officers of the Association shall be a, President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2

Election of Officers: President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President shall be duly elected by a majority vote of the members at an annual meeting each year for a one (1) year term. Candidates shall be nominated in one (1) of two (2) ways:

  1. by a nominating committee
  2. from the floor

Section 3

Election of Officers: The Treasurer and Secretary shall be nominated by the President at the Board of Directors’ meeting immediately following the annual meeting. They will be approved by a 2/3 vote of those Board members present. Each shall serve a one (1) year term.

Section 4

Duties of Officers: Except as otherwise specified in the Bylaws, the duties of the officers shall be those specified as “usual” or “regular” according to the latest edition of “Roberts Rules of Order”.

  1. President: Shall be a member of and preside at the Board of Directors’ meetings; shall have authority to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in Article VII, Section 3; shall be responsible for the general supervision and direction of the affairs of the Association; shall have authority to approve all bills for sums of less than $100, except unusual expenses.
  2. First Vice-President: Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve. In addition he/she will have responsibility to coordinate activities for half of the standing committees.
  3. Second Vice President: Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence if the First Vice-President cannot serve. In addition he/she will have responsibility to coordinate activities for half of the standing committees.
  4. Secretary: Shall record the minutes of meetings; shall give notice of all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors as appropriate; shall be responsible for the records of the Association and for conducting correspondence of the Association under the direction of the President.
  5. Treasurer: Shall receive all dues and monies owed to the Associations; shall dispense all funds for expenditures duly authorized by the President and/or Board of Directors; shall keep accurate records of all transactions; shall make a full financial report at each Board of Directors meeting, annual meeting, or at special meetings so called.

Section 5

Expiration of term of office: Each officer shall turn over to their successor, or to a person designated by the Board of Directors, all of their records and properties of the Association in their possession.

Section 6

Vacancies occurring during the term of office of President and First Vice-President shall be filled by succession. All other vacancies shall be filled by nomination of the President and approval by a 2/3 vote of the Directors present at any meeting.


Section 1

The Board of Directors shall all be active members and consist of:

  1. The Officers of the Association; President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. Past President of the Association – 1 year term, immediately following their term as President.
  3. Nine (9) members duly elected by a majority vote of the members at the annual meeting. All terms shall be three years. These three (3) year terms shall expire in groups of three (3) each successive year. Candidates shall be nominated in one (1) of two (2) ways: 1. By a nominating committee appointed by the President 2. From the floor.
  4. Up to six (6) members duly elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting following the annual meeting for three year terms.
  5. The Men’s Varsity Hockey Coach, a faculty advisor, the Hockey Alumni President or their designee, and any other person appointed by the Board of Directors acting as an ex-officio, non-voting member.
  6. The Cornell University Director of Athletics or his/her designee in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.

Section 2

Each active member of the Board shall have one vote.

Section 3

Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by nomination of the President and approved by a 2/3 vote of the Directors present. Term will be to fill the unexpired term of the member leaving.

Section 4

Any Board member missing three (3) consecutive unexcused meetings of the Board of Directors will be automatically relieved of their position. An unexcused absence is defined as no contact with any officer of the Board prior to meetings, barring extenuating circumstances.

Section 5

Powers of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall have the power to:

  1. Administer the affairs of the Association as provided by these Bylaws.
  2. Fix annually the amount of dues, contributions and/or fees to be paid by members of the Association.
  3. Approve all expenditures in excess of $100 by a majority vote.

Section 6

Meetings of the Board of Directors

  1. Special meetings may be called by the President or any member acting for the President.
  2. Meetings will be held the first Wednesday evening of each month with the exception of July when no meeting will be held.
  3. A quorum for any meeting, excepting the annual meeting, shall be ten (10).
  4. A majority vote of the Directors present shall be necessary for any action requiring authority of the Board.
  5. Meeting notifications or confirmations, with the exception of the annual meeting, shall be via Faceoff, email or mail and shall be the responsibility of the Secretary or their designee.


Section 1

Annual Meeting

  1. The annual meeting of the Association shall take place in June of each year at such time and place within the State of New York, as shall be fixed by the Directors.
  2. Written notice of the time and place shall be mailed to all active members at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. Notice will be sent via the Association newsletter, Faceoff.
  3. A quorum for this meeting shall consist of at least fifteen (15) members present.

Section 2

Special meetings

  1. Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President at the request of the majority of the Directors or may be called by him/her upon the written request of at least 10% of the active members.
  2. Written notice of the time and place of such special meetings shall be mailed to all active members at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting.
  3. A quorum for this meeting shall consist of at least fifteen (15) members present.

Section 3


  1. There will be no voting by proxy.
  2. Single membership – one (1) vote Family membership – one (1) vote per person, with a maximum of two (2) votes per family membership.
  3. Voting shall be in person at an annual or special meeting of the Association or by mail when voting is conducted in that manner.


Section 1

The President may appoint such committees as he/she or the Board of Directors deem necessary for the successful functioning of the Association.

Section 2

At the June meeting each Board member will be assigned to a committee for the upcoming year. Chairpersons will be appointed by the President at this time.

Section 3

The standing committees shall be; Finance, Membership, Coach’s Club, and Faceoff


The rules contained in the latest edition of “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, except where inconsistent with the Bylaws.


Section 1

These Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the active members of the Association present at any meeting thereof provided that notice of the meeting and a copy of the proposed changes in Bylaws shall be mailed to the members of this Association ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which such changes are to be voted.

Section 2

Every even year, Bylaws will be reviewed by a committee as appointed by the President.


Section 1

The Cornell University Athletic Department has the sole authority to grant the Association permission to operate in accordance with these bylaws. Changes to the bylaws are subject to the approval of same.

Section 2

The Association will operate in full compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations adopted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the ECAC Hockey League (ECACHL), and the Ivy League. Failure by Association members to comply with these rules would result in the disassociation of violators from Cornell Athletics.

Section 3

The Secretary of the Association will direct copies of meeting minutes to the Office of the Cornell University Director of Athletics where they will be filed.

Section 4

Decisions made by the Association are ultimately subject to the approval of the Director of Athletics. The Director of Athletics will nullify any decisions that are deemed inappropriate or inconsistent with the mission, policies, or principles of Cornell University or the Department of Athletics and Physical Education.

Section 5

All funds maintained by the Association will be accounted for and held by Cornell University.